Where did this lunch come from?
Posted on August 5, 2010
Thanks for your comments, everyone! It’s encouraging to know there are readers in the vast cyber-land beyond our own monitors. Luckily, your selections are harmonious with our own tastes; with your help, we collectively decided on the Lemon, Blueberry and Gingerbread Trifles, Lime Tart with Blackberries and Blueberries, Blueberry Crumb Bars, and the Peach Blueberry Crisp for the upcoming Farm to Fork dinner this Tuesday.
Erin, our farm manager, has been exceptionally thoughtful in connecting us with other farmers, gardeners, and sustainably minded folk in the area. On Monday, it was an enriching visit to Granny’s Farm in Raymond, Washington, where we had an unforgettable day (especially for two of us!). When we arrived, the owners and now friends, Sandy Bradley and Larry Warnberg, had arranged for us to 1. line a pond with sealer and 2. slaughter 16 chickens. The latter activity was decidedly designated to the two chicken eaters. Fear not: we knew all was well when Maggie and Erin came out of the guillotine ring still poultry eaters and grinning! We think our rising 8th grade friend and participant, Aiden, summed up the experience well in exclaiming “well that was one wet, slimy, remarkable, educational experience!”
After a morning of work, we gathered round a table to feast on the bounty of Sandy and Larry’s farm. The kale, goat cheese, beef kebobs and bean salad made us proud of our slight contribution to such a vibrant place of activity and self-sufficiency. We left the farm with satisfied bellies and minds.
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